DMCA Sans Serif

DMCA Sans Serif is intended as a general purpose sans serif font. Therefore, it is versatile enough to be used in most circumstances of typesetting large amounts of text. It is not suitable for terminal or command prompt environments, because it's not fully hinted nor a bitmap font; Custom Font or Kissinger 2 is recommended instead for that purpose. It is metric-compatible with Microsoft Consolas (1884÷2048 top, 514÷2048 bottom, 1126÷2048 width). As of version 8.1, DMCA Sans Serif contains 1193 characters (Subset2):


This includes Latin, Greek and Cyrillic scripts. It contains all the characters of WGL4, MES-2, SECS and W1G while also covering the basic IPA.

However, as of version 9.0, DMCA Sans Serif contains 3309 characters (Subset3+):

pqrstuvwxyz{|}~ ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßà
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This contains not only Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Armenian and Georgian, but also Arabic, Hebrew, Thai and Japanese.

Development notes

The DMCA Sans Serif version consists of major version (decimal real number) and a minor version (decimal integer). Increasing the character set always increases the major version (for example, 8.1 to 9.0). Changes without new characters always increase the minor version but never the major version. The minor version is based on the release date ((year−1980)×512+month×32+day). Adding fullwidth characters such as CJK will require forking the DMCA Sans Serif family into a separate DMCA Sans Serif variation family as the main DMCA Sans Serif font is intended to be fully monospaced.


Closed issues (those that have been confirmed to be completely resolved)

• Not yet at version 9.0
Version 9.0 is planned to have at least 2823 characters (at least Subset3).
DMCA Sans Serif 9.0 is now released with 3309 characters (Subset3+). The same coverage is planned to later appear in Custom Font ttf 3.1.
• Public domain
This typeface is public domain.

Open issues (not resolved)

• Not optimized for bilevel rendering
ttfautohint does not do horizontal hinting or pixel pattern correction and therefore does not optimize for bilevel hinting. This will therefore require manual hinting.
• Hinting "blue zone" fine-tuning
Currently ttfautohint does not allow finetuning "blue zone"s such as the cap-height at various or specific sizes. Some of the sizes could have their x-height or cap-height or ascenderheight or descenderheight adjusted.
• Use references for many characters
References are very useful in hinting; when a character is hinted, all characters with that reference will automatically have the hints in the reference.
• Does not support the Shift JIS codepage
This means 7489 characters, which must have the monospaced width of the font itself. (duospaced would require a fork)
• Better hinting at larger sizes
auto-hinting gives good results at small sizes, but the quality of auto-hinting deteriorates at larger sizes, this is because the difference between similar strokes and the difference between the heights in different weights gets larger with size, and the auto-hinter cannot deal with such circumstances (the choice between snapping and not snapping to the same value becomes random), therefore the larger the size, the less suitable an auto-hinter is, and manual hinting can give good results throughout all the sizes.
• Not yet at version 10.0
suggested characters to include: CJK characters from Shift JIS — there are 7489 of them, so to mass-produce them will require a different method than manually designing them. MES-3A — DMCA Sans Serif 9.0 includes MES-3B, not MES-3A. 467 characters in MES-3A but not in MES-3B. Manual hinting is also planned to ensure pixel perfect text.
• Medium (500) weight
This is one of the standard nine weights, missing in DMCA Sans Serif. If it's missing it's substituted with 400. However, the current weights (100, 200, 300, 400, 600, 700, 800, 900) fit in a logarithmic scale.
• superscripts, subscripts, small capitals
The problem is, most of the superscripts, subscripts and small capitals aren't defined in Unicode. If superscripts, subscripts and small capitals were treated as formatting, then technically it would add many more fonts to the typeface. Other possible ways include getting the characters into Unicode, forking Unicode, making private use characters and/or making an OpenType feature.
• Weights type designing.
There are 8 weights of DMCA Sans Serif as of 9.0-20252. In the smaller weights, the “optical” adjustments become exaggerated, causing an effect of gaps. The solution might be to include additional glyphs. Those would become optically correct when converted to Thin. As for the intermediate weights (Extralight, Light) the glyphs would be interpolated. This is automated emboldening with interpolation hybrid. In the larger weights, the spacing gets reduced. Of course, Black weight text can never be usable for general purpose no matter how it is designed; this is a common false criticism of DMCA Sans Serif, when in reality the extreme weights are rarely used.
• Fix problems with "ancient" characters and box-drawing
Fallback script latn, Windows Compatibility enabled. This will avoid the blur on the obscure characters and will also align box-drawing characters properly to WinAscent and WinDescent. To handle ░▒▓ and disable their hinting (which would artificially stem-dark and therefore break them) use a Control Instruction. However, with manual hinting, the box drawing characters can be guaranteed to be optically correct.
• Alternative set of italics
The standard italics of DMCA Sans Serif are oblique. This issue is about adding ‘true italics’, which tend to be more optically correct.
• Diverse Arabic letterforms
It appears problematic, that the initial/median/final forms are duplicated rather than having the proper diverse letterforms. This could be added in both the Unicode characters, and an OpenType feature. However, typographically correct Arabic requires a lot of ligatures which is extremely difficult to develop.
• Fix ◢◣◤◥
They should have the lines from the corners of the glyph. This is also required for Symbols for Legacy Computing to work correctly.

To report an issue or make a custom request contact me below (e-mail, subreddit, or AnyDesk).

Notes for updating

Warning: As older versions of DMCA Sans Serif were named Consolas (trademark infringement of Microsoft’s font), they overwrote a Microsoft font when installed. To update from that, uninstall the font (in Microsoft Windows it's in the registry as shown below) and install the current version of DMCA Sans Serif.

When updating DMCA Sans Serif on Microsoft Windows, you should delete the old DMCA Sans Serif from the system font list first (and font fakes if you have them installed). This is done in the registry: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts (and Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts in certain Windows 10 versions and up). Delete all DMCA Sans Serif entries on there. After entirely deleting your old DMCA Sans Serif build from the system font list, extract the zip file of the recent version of DMCA Sans Serif, select all font files, right click and Install (Install for all users if you have one of those recent Windows 10 versions?). Then restart the machine.


Major version: 9.0
Minor version (higher is more recent): 20252

2019-08-28 —,

Older downloads:

2019-07-24 —,
2019-06-26 —
2019-06-25 —, consolassubstitutes.reg
2019-05-11 —,, consolassubstitutes.reg
2019-04-17 —, consolassubstitutes.reg

Change logs

Changes from 8.1-20113 to 8.1-20139:

• Autohinter settings changes:
  1. Hinting Limit changed from 2048 to 2047
  2. No x Height Increase enabled
  3. x Height Snapping Exceptions changed from "" to "-"
  4. Windows Compatibility enabled
  5. Hint Set Range Minimum changed from 8 to 2
  6. Hint Set Range Maximum changed from 50 to 64
• Added glyph alternatives for a, d, g, m, n, p, q, r, u, δ in addition to i, l,
0, 1, I, J
• Fixed some of the diagonal corners of the outlines for better rendering of the
thinnened variants
• Greek Polytonic restructured to use the same diacritics stacking system as in
Custom Font ttf
• Characters ░, ▒ and ▓ restructured, using true nearest neighbor to scale to
the 1126×2398 font size
• Cleanups have been performed to the self-intersections and missing extrema
• Made the outline dot in the characters i, j, and . rounder
• The diagonal stems of the character ♂ end diagonally (perpendicular) as
opposed to horizontally
• The character ◙ has its inner ◦ thickened to faciliate its hinted result
• Underlining is repositioned, previously it didn't work at all.

Changes from version 8.1 to version 9.0:

• Autohinter settings changes:
  1. x Height Snapping Exceptions changed from "-" to "15-"
  2. No x Height Increase disabled
  3. x Height Increase Limit set to 14
  4. Blue Zone Reference Font is set to the regular version of Consolas
• Added many characters... Consolas 8.1 has 1193 characters, but Consolas 9.0
has 3309 characters.
• The characters 〈 and 〉 restructured to be consistent with ()[]{}
• The characters ⌠ and ⌡ restructured to be consistent with │
• The character √ restructured, adding a short horizontal bar at the top.
• Superscripts, subscripts and small capitals are now automated
• Added a condensed variation.
• Font fakes of Arial and Tahoma are now bundled.

Changes from 9.0-20185 to 9.0-20186:

• Autohinter settings changes:
  1. Blue Zone Reference Font for Black weight is set to the Extrabold version,
while Blue Zone Reference Font for Extrabold weight is set to the Bold version.
This prevents the glitchy effect.
• The registry hack for Consolas substitutes is now bundled.

Changes from 9.0-20186 to 9.0-20216:

• Autohinter settings changes:
  1. Blue Zone Reference Font for Bold weight is set to the Semibold version,
while Blue Zone Reference Font for Extralight weight is set to the Light
version, while Blue Zone Reference Font for Thin weight is set to the Extralight
version. Version 9.0-20216 still had a glitchy effect in the Bold weight.
  2. x Height Snapping Exceptions changed from "15-" to ""
  3. No x Height Increase enabled
  4. Fallback Script is set to none
  5. Control Instructions file aligns the stem widths
• Separated the final font files from the source files due to file size.
• Fixed a spacing bug in GDI for example in sizes of 10 points and 30 points.

Changes from 9.0-20216 to 9.0-20252:

• Font renamed to DMCA Sans Serif. It therefore avoids trademark issues with
Microsoft Consolas.
• Autohinter settings changes:
  1. Blue Zone Reference Font for Regular weight is set to the Semibold version.
  2. No x Height Increase disabled (except for Extrabold and Black) with
x Height Increase Limit set to 96.
  3. Hinting Limit set to 96.
  4. Hint Set Range Maximum set to 96.
• Fixed the glitchy thumbnails in Microsoft Windows.

Font substitutes and font fakes

After deleting most of the fonts that are not DMCA Sans Serif, text might appear in some weird font. To fix this, use the registry code that adds substitutes for some of the common fonts to make them substitute to DMCA Sans Serif. It is bundled with the font files (downloaded separately in older versions).

Some apps render blank text or render every character as the Error character when a font is missing. For example, FontForge displays every character as the Error character if its default font stack (which includes Tahoma) is missing, whereas Chromium relies on Arial to function. To bugfix this, use the font fakes that are named Arial and Tahoma, included with the general zip file as of DMCA Sans Serif 9.0.
The font fakes are not metrically compatible with the original Arial and Tahoma fonts and still have the same parameters as DMCA Sans Serif 8.1 or 9.0, except for the font name and family name.


Is this a copyright infringement of Consolas?
No, because DMCA Sans Serif outlines are made of completely different points than Consolas outlines, therefore, it cannot be considered a derivative work and it is therefore not a copyright infringement. It was formerly a trademark infringement by having the same name as Microsoft’s font, however, this has been bugfixed by renaming it to DMCA Sans Serif.

How to fix my system glitching out due to all the various styles of DMCA Sans Serif?
You could uninstall DMCA Sans Serif and reinstall only the Regular, Italic, Bold and Bold Italic versions.

Where do I contact you?
See the Contact section below to contact for DMCA Sans Serif.

How does the rendering of DMCA Sans Serif differ from the rendering of Microsoft Consolas?
See the Comparison with Microsoft Consolas section below.

How many characters in DMCA Sans Serif 8.1 but not in DMCA Sans Serif 9.0?
Subset3+ (used in DMCA Sans Serif 9.0) contains all the characters in Subset2 (used in DMCA Sans Serif 8.1). Therefore there is backwards compatibility.

The bold version is slightly larger than the regular version. Won't that cause problems when reading on-screen due to the bold being a pixel larger or something?
Hinting clamps all 32 styles to the same size visually. That wasn't the case in DMCA Sans Serif 8.1, but DMCA Sans Serif 9.0 fixed this issue. There won't be any problems like that when reading on-screen.

Microsoft Consolas has a problem where size 10 is too similar to size 9, does DMCA Sans Serif 9.0 fix this?
Yes. Size 10 in DMCA Sans Serif 9.0 has an x-height of 7 pixels as opposed to 6 pixels. DMCA Sans Serif 9.0 has adjusted autohinting settings, for example the Bold version has 2 pixel thick stems at size 11.

Why are the italics oblique?
The oblique italics were formerly considered to be more optically correct due to being more consistent with regular letterforms, however, true italics are now considered to be more optically correct. Be sure to look forward for DMCA Sans Serif 10.0.

Can I embed DMCA Sans Serif in webpages? Do I need to modify the font for best cross-platform text rendering?
You can absolutely embed DMCA Sans Serif in webpages. There is no need to modify DMCA Sans Serif, as it is already tuned for general purpose use cases, which includes website typesetting. In some renderers the text is badly rendered due to incorrect gamma, but that’s not under my control as all fonts are affected.

What’s the best renderer for DMCA Sans Serif?
All Type Design fonts, including DMCA Sans Serif, are recommended to be rendered with standard mode of Microsoft’s GDI renderer or with TD renderer. ClearType and DirectWrite based renderers should be avoided as they prevent the text from ever being pixel perfect in most cases and usually have incorrect gamma as well. The quality of FreeType based renderers is highly dependent on the configuration and wrapper, so TD renderer can be used to ensure proper configuration. DMCA Sans Serif is not currently fully hinted, but the gamma issue still applies and is necessary to consider.

Comparison with Microsoft Consolas

DMCA Sans Serif 9.0-20252 (left) vs Microsoft Consolas (right): — standard mode of Microsoft’s GDI renderer (recommended renderer) — note that Consolas rendering is highly distorted by Microsoft to give the false impression of ClearType being the better render mode — ClearType mode of Microsoft’s GDI renderer (with symmetric smoothing introduced in Windows 10)


Discuss about DMCA Sans Serif on the subreddit: r/DMCAsansserif


Name: Piotr Grochowski
AnyDesk: 265 993 303
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